It's been quite some time since my last post, about ten days, hasn't it? It seems like ages to me!!!
I was a little bit busy these days, so now I am back to say 'Hi' to you all, hope you have a wonderful time!

This lovely heart motif is from "Beyond the Squares" - Edie Eckman - I mentioned in
my last post. It's also the first time I tried a thing with my favorite book. And I love it. Do you think "Sunshine Heart" is a good name? :)
Enjoying flowers in sunshine is really great, they are so bright and beautiful. I took some "Sunshine Pics" today and would love to share you.
This lovely flower is quite popular in tropical climate areas, so once I saw it from
Attic24, I just love to tell her there are so many such flowers in my garden. I knew them when I was just a very little girl, and now they're still there, as from all my childhood...

These flowers have just come to my garden recently, and I have no idea what they are called, just love them, the tiny flowers look bright and lovely in sunshine!

These flowers are always growing in clusters, so once they are in blossom, they look like to be in a vase!

And here, also in sunshine, a washcloth with sc cluster edging for my friend, she loves pink, and really loves it. Ah, it's also a big surprise to her knowing I can crochet! :)