Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award!

Hello everyone,

I would like to share you some things made me more than happy at the beginning of New Year! :)

On my holidays, I received the nomination from lovely Teje, she'd like to give me the Stylish Blogger Award! Oh my, I cannot believe my little blog is 'stylish'! So amazing! I'm very honored to take it! Happy vacation then! :)

Another big surprise came to me when I got back, lovely Daperfectmix gave me the Stylish Blogger Award again! I was so delighted she passed this award on me! So excited! My honor, lady!
Thank you, thank you my sweet friends so much for your thoughts! This is really a big encouragement and a very special New Year present to me! Nothing is greater than!

Well, to keep the condition of the award, I will tell you 7 things about me (just wish I could skip this part):
  1. I love nature and what is natural.
  2. I love the simple things and always try to make everything simple.
  3. My childhood memories always in my mind and always make me smile.
  4. I rarely cook. But I believe I will be a good cook if I pay attention to cooking :).
  5. I learned how to swim more than one year ago, and I didn't swim since then!
  6. I learned Chinese for a about one year long time ago and now I even can't write my name in Chinese!
  7. I love making bags and purses, a lot of bag ideas are waiting for me!
I'm happy to pass it to new lovely bloggers, just some of them here:Visit them for your inspiration, they're really rock!

To accept the award, you have 4 duties: link back to the person who nominated you; tell 7 things about yourself; pass it to the 15 recently discovered bloggers; contact them to let them know about the award. Enjoy!!!Thanks again Teje and DaPerfectMix for the award! Thanks all my lovely friends for always warming my heart with your sweet friendship and encouragements all the time!!!

Have a wonderful New Year!


  1. Nice to learn a few things about you. Thank you so much for picking me for the award. I'm really honored (touched).

  2. Thankyou so much for my award!! What a great start to the new year. xx

  3. You are so sweet Love, thank you!♥


  4. You are most sweet for bestowing this on me. I'm grateful we're blog buddies because you've inspired me so much (I have a number of your projects on my to-do list)! Also nice to learn a few more things about you. xx Josie

  5. Oh my goodness, how nice! I feel so lucky to be on your stylish blogger award list! I'm excited to share some recently discovered blogs myself and pass this award on. You are alway so sweet to leave me encouraging comments at Tangled Happy. One of my favorite things about my little blog is meeting so many creative bloggers! Thank you for your kindness. :)

  6. Congratulations on getting your 'Stylish Blogger' award...I love the pink crocheted heart..very beautiful!

  7. Hé girl, congrats on your award ! You deserve it ... :)
    Have a nIce day ..

  8. Congratulations, I really love reading your blog xox

  9. Hello girl, here I am again.
    There is an award waiting for you on my blog.
    come and take him, if you please :)

  10. Congratulations on your very well deservered award!! I love reading your blog you make so many lovely and inspiring things. Thank you so much for thinking of me and including me on your list it is very sweet of you! Sarah xx

  11. Thank you so much for awarding me! I am very honoured. Happy weekend, love Maaike

  12. Oh, thank you so much for thinking of me, and for presenting me with this award! I haven't been able to escape to "Blogland" as often as I would like lately between so many things to do these days, but I hope time allows for me to post again soon. I hate to be out of touch with everybody.. LOVE your crochet heart; so CUTE!! I just picked up some pink yarn to start a few of my own! Happy New Year to you, and hope you're enjoying a wonderful weekend! ~tina

  13. Congratulations on your award! I love your blog. Thank you so much for passing on the award to me, I'm not very good at these awards, but it was very good of you to hink of me.

  14. Hi ladies, you are very welcome! Thanks for your sweet words, you definitely deserve it!
    All the best,
    LS, xxx

  15. Congrats and love the little heart!

  16. Hi sweet friend,I came to tell you "hello" and I found this gift for me !Thanks a lot !Your pink hearth is a beautiful decoration!


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