Sunday, January 16, 2011

Pay It Forward!

Hello my lovely friends!

I'm very excited to be back to you after a while non-blogged. Hope you all had a wonderful time and the busy-ness will never keep us away from our wonder blogland!

I joined sweet Casey's Pay It Forward a while ago and now I'm Paying It Forward! It's one of my plans in this year, and I think it's time to start the fun!

If you are wondering about the PIF, here is how it works:
  • First 3 people who comment on this post will receive a handmade gift from me in sometime next 12 months.
  • If you are one of the three PIF participants I choose, you will have to host the same Pay It Forward on your blog and send a gift to the three first people who comment on yours too.
I'd really love to send you something special, so if you want to join, be one of the three first bloggers to comment here and let's pay it forward!


  1. I love your blog, you have so many pretty things here Xx

  2. Thank you Rachael! I love yours too!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oooh..I'd love to join! Thanks for visiting!

  5. Hi Aisyah Helga!
    Thanks so much for your visit and following!
    You're very welcome!

  6. Did I make the top three? I was so glad to see you had posted again. I had just found you and was afraid you'd quit on us! Love your blog.

  7. I was outside....
    Very nice initiative!!!.I hope you will enjoy it !.

  8. I'm not participating, but I just wanted to say hello and what a lovely PIF this is...I love that PIF heart button, it looks great!

    Have a wonderful day :-)

  9. What a great idea! I would love to do a giveaway but the mail system here is not to be trusted. I'll think of something simple that I can do sometime. Congrats to the first three who commented here as I know you will make them something wonderful. By the way, my husband was just in Vietnam for 2 days and is in Bangkok now, will return here on Tuesday. I look forward to seeing all the pictures he has taken and what he saw while there. Hope you are having a great day. Tammy

  10. Thank you ladies! I will post the three PIF participants very soon!
    Have a wonderful day! xx

  11. Oops I missed the three, but think it will be a blast for those on the receiving end of your PIF - well done for getting going on the projects :)


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